Sunday, November 1, 2009

Autism Awareness

I have a heart for those children/adults who have been diagnosed with Autism. Having had some experience with hands on tutoring with autistic children, I have learned a great deal about them.

Also, in my Child Development classes, I have been educated about the effects of Autism and the research that is being done to help find a cure and the genetic make-up of why one child may have it and another may not. There are so many missing puzzle pieces that are yet to be found.

Here is a website that I strongly encourage you to check out. Just by watching one of the videos, will help raise money toward Autism research.

Here is one video that I find especially moving:

They are trying to get a bill passed in order that more Health Insurances will cover the treatment of Autism. If you go to the website, you can donate more money if you choose to.

My heart goes out to any families that have been affected by this tough disease. However I have found that Autism is a characteristic all on its own. Each child is affected differently. They see the world different from us, and in some ways they are blessed that they will always have the mind of a child, and have their innocence. In other ways, it can be outright frustrating for those who love them and care for them.

But in the end, what matters most for these kids, is the love and the attention and education and therapy that they need, so they can have a happy and fulfilling life.

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