Compassionate: About everything he does. About people, and about life.
Sensitive: To others feelings and points of views.
Open-minded: Doesn't judge others.
Child-like: Isn't afraid to be silly or talk to children and make them laugh.
Optimistic: His glass is half full instead of half empty.
Creative: He uses his mind and talent to make beautiful things out of simple things.
Quirky: He has a sense of humor and a dorkiness to him that makes him different than other guys.
Intimate: Likes to cuddle, and isn't afraid to talk about his feelings when he needs to.
Down to earth: Easy going and not over dramatic or plays games with your head. He is real.
Sexual: Isn't afraid to try new things and express himself in a sexual way.
Handsome: The way he holds himself up and the little things about him, that make him stand out from the others. Or perhaps the way he looks at me :)
Romantic: Creative in his ways of showing how much he loves me, whether its something simple or over the the top, it doesn't matter to me. As long as it's from the heart.
A great kisser: He knows how to hold a kiss and keep you wanting more. ;)
Faithful and Honest: No matter how hard things get, he is there to work it out and support me. Believes in open communication.
Faith: Has faith in "something" that makes him want to be a better person and do good things. That makes him have a heart for the world...
Complete: Makes me feel like I am whole and protected when he is near.
He is...someone, that makes my heart flutter every time he is near, no matter how many times I see his face :)