I am not a religious person anymore. I used to be, but I consider myself to be more spiritual. I am a believer in a God. I believe He creates all things good and pure. I have a hard time in believing a God that is judgmental and cruel. I don't believe HE sends us to hell, but perhaps we send ourselves there...and maybe it is not merely a place, but a state of mind. Who knows? I guess we will never know until we cross over to the other side.
However, I do think that Faith is important, whatever yours may be. As long as it encourages you to do good to others and keeps you strong along this crazy path life leads us on. I went on a hike around this church here in southeastern Wisconsin, called Holy Hill. It is a Catholic Church and Monastery. It is beautiful to walk around and look at the nature and the images of the Stations of the Cross in these woods. As I was walking around in the woods surrounding the church, there was an odd sense of stillness and quietness. It was as if God had walked these woods and left an imprint of his peace. It is a great place to meditate and think, pray, listen, whatever it is that you do. Regardless of your faith, this place seems to draw people in. Here are some photos I took while walking the grounds. Of course I did some editing to them, for some effects. Enjoy.
This is so awesome!! I like that you did that and it hits good points... :D
Faith is a powerful believe and you don't have to be religious to have faith. Your points were excellent and your pictures are superb. Thanks for sharing.
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