I have to say for the last 5 months, my life has changed quite a bit.
Well not drastically, but it has been a slow process.
I think I have known all my life that I have certain abilities.
(Which I will not name here, but it relates to the paranormal & psychic world).
There was an event that occurred in my life this past February, and since then, it's like there was an open door for me to be able to see exactly what gifts that I have.
When I told my mom what I discovered she wasn't surprised at all.
I was surprised that she wasn't surprised, ha ha.
She told me that even as a little girl I would ask my parents a question and before they could finish the answer, I had already answered my own question.
She said they had no idea how I was doing it, either I was really smart or I was able to read their minds..Hmm
Well I don't think I'm that powerful of a mind reader, but maybe it has been suppressed over the years.
So for the past 5 months, I've been learning a lot about myself and how to use my gifts.
I had a friend who was acting as a mentor and then she betrayed, misled, and lied to me, but thankfully I was a lot more in tune with my gifts than I thought, and was able to uncover her manipulative ways.
Now unfortunately I don't have a mentor or anyone to show me how to use these gifts. Sometimes I think I am going crazy and I have a hard time not knowing whether what I am seeing is valid or my imagination..
It can be frustrating none the less.
However I am happy to say that I seem to be correct most of the time. It is an exciting thing when something you picked up or predicted or saw or heard, becomes manifested in some form of truth or fact.
It keeps me going.
I am happy to have friends that support me and love me, the way that I am.
I have lost some other close friends because I confided in them about my gifts, and they don't understand, or won't understand...they think what is going on with me is by choice and that what I am doing is evil! (Some people can be so misguided about certain topics)
I guess, unless they are in my shoes, they will never understand.
It hurt me to lose these friends that I've had for the last 9 years, plus their family...but I cannot change who I am, or make these gifts go away.
So I decided that was their choice and their lost, because if they really cared for me, as much as they said they did, then they would see past these things...
I have these gifts for a reason, and I am slowly finding out that purpose.
This has been a roller coaster ride for me. It has not been easy at all.
I am a pretty open minded person and I see people for who they are, I don't judge people, or I try not to, at least-I am not perfect.
My intentions are not evil or selfish or for personal gain.
I just want to help people, and that is something I've always felt compassionate about. Whether it is doing something nice for them, or giving them some guidance, I want to help those that need me.
There is a situation that has developed over the last few months, that I am still searching answers for, and as emotional and mind boggling as it has been, I am holding strong and hoping that in the end (if there is one) that it will be solved and I can move forward, and soon.
Right now it still remains a mystery, and as much as I love a good mystery, it can also be so hard to wait to see what happens at the end of the book. I want to know right now, and I want to know whether my intuition is right...
However I don't believe it is the right time...
Hopefully soon.
I will continue to seek answers, continue to train myself, and read any books I can get my hands on, to figure out my gifts and how to use them...
I will always be a seeker of knowledge and truth, that is one thing I can be sure of...
"photo above done by: me"
I love the picture! That is great that things are going good.:)
wow, Kelley,
I can relate with your feelings in some many levels. I also had abilities that I am trying to understand and develop, but like you said I have friends that being supported in helping me understand my journey and I am grateful for that. I hope that the end of the journey, we can all have a happy ending.
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