I don't know what I'm going to say, since it is late...well not really late. But I FEEL that is is really late. I am so tired and I am ready to fall down onto my bed and dream good dreams...
However, one thing that has been on my mind lately is this:
I don't understand people who live their life by only what they have been taught...The world is so much bigger than ourselves!
I used to be close-minded.
I used to think my way was the only way to live.
Well, let me tell you...I wasn't very happy living that way.
I wouldn't have met all the wonderful and interesting people that I know today,
and I wouldn't be the person that I am,
if I still lived the way that I did.
What way was that?
It doesn't matter.
We each have a destiny.
We each have obstacles to overcome.
We each have a dream to come true, and a nightmare to battle.
We each have hopes and fears.
We each have religion, spirituality,
and philosophy
none at all.
What makes your heart flutter?
What Master do you serve?
Is it really about Who, What, Where, and When?
Or is it about the end result?
How did you get there?
What kind of person are you?
Did you live your life with regrets, or did you learn from them?
Like Madonna says, "Life is a mystery,every one must stand alone"
I think she is meaning "You stand alone on where your life goes. It is up to you what you want to do with it."
Based on our experiences in life, and how others have treated us,
Reflects a lot on how we live our future.
So who are we to judge or condemn a person that doesn't know what we know, and vise versa?
Knowledge is our apple to take.
God put it in the Garden for a reason.
Don't you think?
If He hadn't put it there...Do you think we would have evolved to achieve the things we have today?
I believe in fate.
I believe in Karma. (positive & negative)
I believe that God is good and merciful.
I believe that the world was created to teach us some many important lessons.
Some will always search for them, some will find them, and others will totally pass them by, and never seem to learn.
Why? I don't know.
But it's not our place to judge.
God is the ultimate Knowledge, He has a reason for everything.
Can we understand all of God's knowledge? No.
Maybe some, only a piece of it.
So I am going to use it wisely, and with compassion.
And not for condemnation.
"Photo above done by: me, myself, and I"